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Are you looking for an efficient IT resources and processes management tool?
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What you get

Are you looking for an efficient IT resources and processes management tool? Choose the largest Polish IT service management/service desk system.​


Polish companies and offices
have already put their trust in us.

Andrzej Kaczmarek

Chief of IT Department, Personal Data Protection Office

ITManager system, when deployed, is an efficient and simple to administer solution to centrally manage the IT infrastructure. We have also had positive experience with the technical support services and administrators maintenance and update help provided.

Piotr Stankiewicz

Chief of IT Department at Konsalnet Holding S.A.

When choosing the central IT infrastructure management system, the decisive factors were many years of experience of the developer, the software functionality, and simple and convenient administration. Based on that, we can recommend ITManager system, as it significantly streamlined our work.

Dariusz Łużny

The head of Bielsko-Biała City Hall IT Department

The deployment allowed for significant time savings. With services and processes standardization, we can leverage more good practices for infrastructure management in the future. It is also worth stressing that ITManager developer actively expands the system based on the customers’ needs, including ours.

Krzysztof Breguła

Krzysztof Bregula, the Application Management Department administrator at the Marshal Office of the Silesian Voivodeship

In retrospect, we can confirm that we are satisfied with the use of ITManager. The system also works well as a tool that supports remote work organization, guaranteeing continuous work of the Office and increasing the employees’ comfort of work. It allows administrators to solve both common and unusual problems, including remote installation or repair without extending user privileges. . System sprawdza się również jako narzędzie wspierające organizację pracy zdalnej, gwarantując ciągłość pracy urzędu i zwiększając komfort pracy pracowników. Umożliwia administratorom rozwiązywanie problemów codziennych i „niecodziennych”, zdalną instalację czy naprawy bez konieczności rozszerzania uprawnień użytkownikom.

Mariusz Banasiak

Senior IT Manager at Amic Energy

The ability to support users remotely is a key functionality of the implemented system. The specific nature of our business, with business units dispersed over such a large area, does not allow us to have a physical presence of the IT department and to ensure the availability of qualified specialists on site.