
ITManager Deployment at Bielsko-Biała City Hall

Siedziba Urzędu Miejskiego w Bielsku-Białej

ITManager Deployment at Bielsko-Biała City Hall

Over the last few years, the Polish public sector IT infrastructure has been among the largest and fastest growing branches of state investments. Wanting to streamline information exchange and standardize their systems, the Bielsko-Biała City Hall IT team decided to modernize the solutions used to support IT resources and processes management. In order to do that, they deployed the ITManager system.

Bielsko-Biała is a city in a southern part of Śląskie voivodeship, with almost 172 thousand inhabitants. It is an important industrial, academic, and cultural center, as well as one of the Poland’s most developed cities. Each year, the city takes a high place in Forbes’ ranking of Polish business-friendly cities.


IT Service Management System at the City Hall

The city hall employs 600 people to handle the city inhabitants’ affairs. Such a large organizational unit could not function without a modern IT service management system.

different systems + different databases + no integration = future chaos

We could not justify updating our resources management system to the latest version from the economic standpoint. Such a situation made us analyze the market in search for an alternative. An additional criterion was the capability to migrate the data that had already been collected and that the City Hall IT Department was responsible for. As the result of our analysis, we decided to have ITManager system deployed

– says Przemysław Kamiński, Bielsko-Biała City Vice-President.


  • to deploy an IT solution that supports ITSM
  • to migrate the data from a legacy solution
  • to deploy a HelpDesk module that integrates with the inventory module data
  • a dedicated UI and tickets registration forms ergonomic design

A key migration challenge was moving the data from the legacy solution to the new one, as well as HelpDesk module implementation to support the City Hall IT team. Additionally, the system had to use the City Hall directory service information.

The deployment works included analyzing infrastructure using ITManager system components, then updating the existing infrastructure information. The analysis allowed to evaluate the existing data cohesion and to plan further migration steps. Additionally, the admins got a new tool for remote users connection using the Remote Access module that is built into ITManager system.

One of the benefits of ITManager system is an integral user desktop takeover functionality. A flexible system configuration mechanism allows for central remote connections parameters management.

– says Dariusz Łużny, the head of IT Department at Bielsko-Biała City Hall.

Thanks to meticulous work planning and setting aside 8 hours for the migration itself, the process did not affect the City Hall normal work. All the system components that could not be transferred automatically were migrated manually by Infonet Projekt engineers.

HelpDesk: Users Support and Time Savings

The system deployment made the support system more efficient. Each IT issue is a problem not only for the City Hall employees, but, first and foremost, for the citizens that cannot get things done efficiently.

The most common obstacle when deploying HelpDesk module is convincing the users to give up phone and e-mail as their primary contact tools for issue reporting.

– says Tomasz Fiałkowski, Product Manager at Infonet Projekt SA.

Because of that, developing a user-friendly environment was an implementation priority. Infonet Projekt engineers’ experience, as well as consultations with the City Hall IT Department employees allowed to create a simple and friendly solution.


ITManager HelpDesk module also allows to automatically inform users on their ticket statuses and the predicted repair completion times.

The deployment means large time savings. With services and processes standardization, we can leverage more good practices for infrastructure management in the future. It is worth stressing that ITManager developer actively expands the system based on the customers’ needs, including ours.

– says Dariusz Łużny, the head of Bielsko-Biała City Hall IT Department.​


  • simple to use, with future customization and functional upgrades capability
  • automatic remote software updates
  • remote workstations management
  • automatic IT resources inventory taking
  • shorter maintenance service ticket response times
  • automatic ticket status user notifications
  • basic functionalities integration within one tool

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